Premier Sarawak Witnessed The Launching Ceremony Of TRANSCEND

KUCHING, 14 Sept - Premier of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Abdul Rahman Zohari Tun Datuk Abang Openg witnessed the launching ceremony of Technology Enhanced Stakeholders Collaboration For Supporting Risk-Sensitive Sustainable Urban Development (TRANSCEND) Sarawak 2022  that was held in TEGAS Digital Village, Sama Jaya High Tech Park Muara Tebas Land District. 

Under the TRANSCEND project, the team will use and extend the MOBILISE platform through the libing lab named Resilience4wrd to support risk-sentitive sustainnable urban development.

In short, the TRANSCEND programme can provide a quick respond system, lessons learnt, and best practices to build resilience, as well as reduce loss of lives and properties caused by damaging and unexpected disasters. 

TRANSCEND SARAWAK is also aimed at :

1. Investigating the socio-technical system.

2. That helps to create a collaborative virtual workspace that enable foresight and consensus building.

3. That promote an adaptive governance approach across multi-agencies and organization.

4. To analyae, forecast, visualize and debate on disaster-risk and trade-offs.

5. Develop capability to choose a sustainable, resilient development plan. 

Sumber dari : Sarawakku